之前在公司 hackday 中需要渲染一个树形结构的数据,需要对树的布局进行计算,最后当然是使用现成的库。
之前开发 regex-vis 也渲染了类似树形结构的数据,因为特定的呈现效果,regex-vis
这两次经历促使我想更深入了解树的布局算法,于是阅读了几篇相关的论文,这里记录一下。 下文每个小标题即是论文的标题,关于论文具体可见文末的参考文献
为了便于理解,文中树的每个节点都是边长为单位 1 的正方形
Aesthetic layout of generalized tree
这里列出文中提到的 7 条美观要求,我们在下面的布局算法也会对照这 7 条:
- 兄弟节点的顶部边缘在同一水平线上
- 按顺序从左到右渲染兄弟节点
- 父节点在最左子节点和最右子节点的中间
- 一个树和它的镜像结构树所绘制的图应互为镜像;一个子树无论处在树的哪个位置,都应该是相同的形状
- 连接节点底部中心和节点顶部中心的边不与其他边或节点交叉
- 同一级的节点之间至少有 p(p> 0) 的间距
- 每个节点和它的父节点在垂直方向至少有 q(q>0) 的间距
由于第一条的存在,计算节点的 y 坐标非常简单,y 坐标只与节点的层级有关,因此接下来的算法主要关注的是如何计算节点的 x 坐标
Tidy drawings of trees
The First Algorithm
第一种算法的思想是:对于每个节点,x 坐标 = 同级左节点的 x 坐标 + 节点宽度 + 最小水平间距
import { renderMaryTree } from './utils' import { maryRoot, maryLevel } from './root' const NODE_WIDTH = 1 const NODE_HEIGHT = 1 const LEVEL_SEPARATION = 1 const SIBLING_SEPARATION = 1 const layout = (root, maxLevel) => { const nextPos = new Array(maxLevel).fill(0) const walk = (node, level) => { const { children = [] } = node children.forEach((child) => { walk(child, level + 1) }) node.x = nextPos[level] node.y = level * (LEVEL_SEPARATION + NODE_HEIGHT) nextPos[level] += SIBLING_SEPARATION + NODE_WIDTH } walk(root, 0) return root } const laidoutRoot = layout(maryRoot, maryLevel) export default function APP() { return renderMaryTree(laidoutRoot) }
这种算法很简单,当然效果也不会很好,不符合第 3、4 条美观要求,看上去很乱,很难看出树的结构
The Second Algorithm
第二种算法的思想:对于每个节点,x 坐标 = 上个节点的 x 坐标 + 节点宽度 + 最小水平间距
import { renderBinaryTree } from './utils' import { binaryRoot, binaryLevel } from './root' const NODE_WIDTH = 1 const NODE_HEIGHT = 1 const LEVEL_SEPARATION = 1 const SIBLING_SEPARATION = 1 const layout = (root) => { let nextPos = 0 const walk = (node, level) => { const { left, right } = node if (left) { walk(left, level + 1) } node.x = nextPos nextPos += NODE_WIDTH + SIBLING_SEPARATION node.y = level * (LEVEL_SEPARATION + NODE_HEIGHT) if (right) { walk(right, level + 1) } } walk(root, 0) return root } const laidoutRoot = layout(binaryRoot, binaryLevel) export default function APP() { return renderBinaryTree(laidoutRoot) }
从结果可以看出,这种算法虽然比上一种更容易看出树的结构,仍不符合第 3、4 条美观要求。 并且这种算法生成的图宽度很大,不便于展示
The Third Algorithm
import { renderBinaryTree } from './utils' import { binaryRoot, binaryLevel } from './root' const NODE_WIDTH = 1 const NODE_HEIGHT = 1 const LEVEL_SEPARATION = 1 const SIBLING_SEPARATION = 1 const layout = (root, maxLevel) => { const modifier = new Array(maxLevel).fill(0) const nextPos = new Array(maxLevel).fill(0) let modifierSum = 0 const firstWalk = (node, level) => { const { left, right } = node if (left) { firstWalk(left, level + 1) } if (right) { firstWalk(right, level + 1) } const isLeaf = !left && !right let place if (isLeaf) { place = nextPos[level] } else if (!left) { place = right.x - (NODE_WIDTH + SIBLING_SEPARATION) / 2 } else if (!right) { place = left.x + (NODE_WIDTH + SIBLING_SEPARATION) / 2 } else { place = (left.x + right.x) / 2 } modifier[level] = Math.max(modifier[level], nextPos[level] - place) if (isLeaf) { node.x = place } else { node.x = place + modifier[level] } nextPos[level] = node.x + NODE_WIDTH + SIBLING_SEPARATION node.modifier = modifier[level] } const secondWalk = (node, level) => { const { left, right } = node node.x += modifierSum modifierSum += node.modifier node.y = level * (LEVEL_SEPARATION + NODE_HEIGHT) if (left) { secondWalk(left, level + 1) } if (right) { secondWalk(right, level + 1) } modifierSum -= node.modifier } firstWalk(root, 0) secondWalk(root, 0) return root } const laidoutRoot = layout(binaryRoot, binaryLevel) export default function APP() { return renderBinaryTree(laidoutRoot) }
算法中引入了一个新变量 modifier,这在后面的算法也有用到,modifier 的含义是子树相对于父节点的偏移量。
节点的 modifier = max(同级左节点的 modifier, 同级左节点的 x + 节点宽度 + 最小水平间距 - place)
而对于 place:
- 如果节点是叶子结点,place = 同级左节点的 x + 节点宽度 + 最小水平间距
- 如果节点只有右子节点,place = 右子节点的 x - (节点宽度 + 最小水平间距) / 2
- 如果节点只有左子节点,place = 左子节点的 x + (节点宽度 + 最小水平间距) / 2
- 如果节点有左右子节点,place = (左子节点的 x + 右子节点的 x) / 2
在最后的前序遍历中, 节点最终的 x 坐标 = 后序遍历得到的 x 坐标 + 所有父节点的 modifier 之和
这种算法的效果比前两种算法好很多,但是还是不符合第 4 条美观要求, 这里展示了一种情况,可以看出,根节点的左子树和右子树结构上互为镜像,但渲染出的图形却不是镜像的
import { renderBinaryTree } from './utils' import { tidierRoot, tidierLevel } from './root' const NODE_WIDTH = 1 const NODE_HEIGHT = 1 const LEVEL_SEPARATION = 1 const SIBLING_SEPARATION = 1 const layout = (root, maxLevel) => { const modifier = new Array(maxLevel).fill(0) const nextPos = new Array(maxLevel).fill(0) let modifierSum = 0 const firstWalk = (node, level) => { const { left, right } = node if (left) { firstWalk(left, level + 1) } if (right) { firstWalk(right, level + 1) } const isLeaf = !left && !right let place if (isLeaf) { place = nextPos[level] } else if (!left) { place = right.x - (NODE_WIDTH + SIBLING_SEPARATION) / 2 } else if (!right) { place = left.x + (NODE_WIDTH + SIBLING_SEPARATION) / 2 } else { place = (left.x + right.x) / 2 } modifier[level] = Math.max(modifier[level], nextPos[level] - place) if (isLeaf) { node.x = place } else { node.x = place + modifier[level] } nextPos[level] = node.x + NODE_WIDTH + SIBLING_SEPARATION node.modifier = modifier[level] } const secondWalk = (node, level) => { const { left, right } = node node.x += modifierSum modifierSum += node.modifier node.y = level * (LEVEL_SEPARATION + NODE_HEIGHT) if (left) { secondWalk(left, level + 1) } if (right) { secondWalk(right, level + 1) } modifierSum -= node.modifier } firstWalk(root, 0) secondWalk(root, 0) return root } const laidoutRoot = layout(tidierRoot, tidierLevel) export default function APP() { return renderBinaryTree(laidoutRoot) }
论文中还对第三种算法进行了修改,使生成的图宽度更小,但无论改进与否,都会违反上述的第 4 条要求,所以这里不再赘述
Tidier drawings of trees
import { useState } from "react" import { renderBinaryTree } from './utils' import { tidierRoot, tidierLevel } from './root' const NODE_WIDTH = 1 const NODE_HEIGHT = 1 const LEVEL_SEPARATION = 1 const SIBLING_SEPARATION = 1 const layout = (root) => { const firstWalk = (node, level, leftmost, rightmost) => { let { left, right } = node const ll = { addr: null, offset: 0, level: 0 } const lr = { addr: null, offset: 0, level: 0 } const rl = { addr: null, offset: 0, level: 0 } const rr = { addr: null, offset: 0, level: 0 } if (left) { firstWalk(left, level + 1, ll, lr) } if (right) { firstWalk(right, level + 1, rl, rr) } node.y = level * (NODE_HEIGHT + LEVEL_SEPARATION) // leaf node if (!left && !right) { leftmost.addr = node rightmost.addr = node leftmost.level = level rightmost.level = level leftmost.offset = 0 rightmost.offset = 0 node.offset = 0 } else { let curSep = SIBLING_SEPARATION let rootSep = SIBLING_SEPARATION let leftOffsetSum = 0 let rightOffsetSum = 0 while (left && right) { if (curSep < SIBLING_SEPARATION) { rootSep += SIBLING_SEPARATION - curSep curSep = SIBLING_SEPARATION } if (left.right) { leftOffsetSum += left.offset curSep -= left.offset left = left.right } else { leftOffsetSum -= left.offset curSep += left.offset left = left.left } if (right.left) { rightOffsetSum -= right.offset curSep -= right.offset right = right.left } else { rightOffsetSum += right.offset curSep += right.offset right = right.right } } node.offset = (rootSep + NODE_WIDTH) / 2 leftOffsetSum -= node.offset rightOffsetSum += node.offset if (rl.level > ll.level || !node.left) { leftmost.addr = rl.addr leftmost.level = rl.level leftmost.offset = rl.offset + node.offset } else { leftmost.addr = ll.addr leftmost.level = ll.level leftmost.offset = ll.offset - node.offset } if (lr.level > rr.level || !node.right) { rightmost.addr = lr.addr rightmost.level = lr.level rightmost.offset = lr.offset - node.offset } else { rightmost.addr = rr.addr rightmost.level = rr.level rightmost.offset = rr.offset + node.offset } if (left && left !== node.left) { rr.addr.thread = true rr.addr.offset = Math.abs(rr.offset + node.offset - rightOffsetSum) if (leftOffsetSum - node.offset <= rr.offset) { rr.addr.left = left } else { rr.addr.right = left } } else if (right && right !== node.right) { ll.addr.thread = true ll.addr.offset = Math.abs(ll.offset - node.offset - rightOffsetSum) if (rightOffsetSum + node.offset >= ll.offset) { ll.addr.right = right } else { ll.addr.left = right } } } } const secondWalk = (node, x) => { node.x = x if (node.thread) { return } const { left, right } = node if (left) { secondWalk(left, x - node.offset) } if (right) { secondWalk(right, x + node.offset) } } firstWalk( root, 0, { addr: null, offset: 0, level: 0 }, { addr: null, offset: 0, level: 0 } ) secondWalk(root, 0) return root } const laidoutRoot = layout(tidierRoot, tidierLevel) export default function APP() { return renderBinaryTree(laidoutRoot) }
因为需要满足父节点在左右子节点的正中间,算法为每个节点定义了变量 offset,左子节点 x = 父节点 x - offset,右子节点 x = 父节点 x + offset
打个比方,我们要对比根节点 s 的左右子树
- 在第 2 级,我们对比节点 s 的 左子节点 i 和节点 s 的右子节点 r;
- 在第 3 级,我们对比节点 i 的右子节点 h 和节点 r 的左子节点 j;
- 在第 4 级,因为节点 h 和 节点 j 都是叶子节点,无法再深入对比,需要返回第 2 级,从 i 的左子节点和 r 的右子节点再开始,这样无疑会提升时间复杂度; 而在将二叉树线索化后,节点 h 可以直接找到下一级的右轮廓即节点 f
A node-positioning algorithm for general trees
上面的算法对于二叉树来说,已经可以满足开头提到的 7 条美学要求, 这篇论文则是将其拓展为一般树,即树的每个节点可以有多个子节点
import { maryRoot, maryLevel } from './root' import { renderMaryTree } from './utils' const NODE_WIDTH = 1 const NODE_HEIGHT = 1 const LEVEL_SEPARATION = 1 const SIBLING_SEPARATION = 1 const isLeaf = (node) => !node.children || node.children.length === 0 const hasLeftSibling = (node) => node.parent?.children.indexOf(node) > 0 const hasRightSibling = (node) => node.parent.children.indexOf(node) < node.parent.children.length - 1 const getLeftSibling = (node) => node.parent.children[node.parent.children.indexOf(node) - 1] const getRightSibling = (node) => node.parent.children[node.parent.children.indexOf(node) + 1] const getLeftNeighbor = (node) => node.neighbor const getLeftmost = (node, level, depth) => { if (level >= depth) { return node } else if (isLeaf(node)) { return null } else { let rightmost = node.children[0] let leftmost = getLeftmost(rightmost, level + 1, depth) while (!leftmost && hasRightSibling(rightmost)) { rightmost = getRightSibling(rightmost) leftmost = getLeftmost(rightmost, level + 1, depth) } return leftmost } } const layout = (root) => { const neighbors = [] let maxDepth = 0 const apportion = (node, level) => { let leftmost = node.children[0] let neighbor = getLeftNeighbor(leftmost) if (!neighbor) { return } let compareDepth = 1 const depthToStop = maxDepth - level while (leftmost && neighbor && compareDepth <= depthToStop) { let leftModSum = 0 let rightModSum = 0 let ancestorLeftmost = leftmost let ancestorNeighbor = neighbor for (let i = 0; i < compareDepth; i++) { ancestorLeftmost = ancestorLeftmost.parent ancestorNeighbor = ancestorNeighbor.parent rightModSum += ancestorLeftmost.modifier leftModSum += ancestorNeighbor.modifier } let moveDistance = neighbor.prelim + leftModSum + SIBLING_SEPARATION + NODE_WIDTH - (leftmost.prelim + rightModSum) if (moveDistance > 0) { let tempPtr = node let leftSiblings = 0 while (tempPtr && tempPtr !== ancestorNeighbor) { leftSiblings++ tempPtr = getLeftSibling(tempPtr) } if (tempPtr) { const portion = moveDistance / leftSiblings tempPtr = node while (tempPtr !== ancestorNeighbor) { tempPtr.prelim += moveDistance tempPtr.modifier += moveDistance moveDistance -= portion tempPtr = getLeftSibling(tempPtr) } } else { return } } compareDepth++ if (isLeaf(leftmost)) { leftmost = getLeftmost(node, 0, compareDepth) } else { leftmost = leftmost.children[0] } if (leftmost) { neighbor = getLeftNeighbor(leftmost) } } } const firstWalk = (node, level) => { node.neighbor = neighbors[level] neighbors[level] = node node.modifier = 0 maxDepth = Math.max(level, maxDepth) if (isLeaf(node)) { if (hasLeftSibling(node)) { node.prelim = getLeftSibling(node).prelim + SIBLING_SEPARATION + NODE_WIDTH } else { node.prelim = 0 } } else { const { children = [] } = node const leftmost = children[0] const rightmost = children[children.length - 1] children.forEach((child) => { child.parent = node firstWalk(child, level + 1) }) const midPoint = (leftmost.prelim + rightmost.prelim) / 2 if (hasLeftSibling(node)) { const leftSibling = getLeftSibling(node) node.prelim = leftSibling.prelim + SIBLING_SEPARATION + NODE_WIDTH node.modifier = node.prelim - midPoint apportion(node, level) } else { node.prelim = midPoint } } } const secondWalk = (node, level, modSum) => { node.x = node.prelim + modSum node.y = level * (LEVEL_SEPARATION + NODE_HEIGHT) node.children?.forEach((child) => secondWalk(child, level + 1, modSum + node.modifier) ) } firstWalk(root, 0) secondWalk(root, 0, 0) return root } const laidoutRoot = layout(maryRoot, maryLevel) export default function App() { return renderMaryTree(laidoutRoot) }
- 算法中 prelim 是指第一次遍历后 x 坐标的值;modifier 与之前的算法相同,是子树相对于父节点的偏移量
- 在拓展为一般树后,会有一个问题:较大子树之间的小子树们会比较靠左。所以在后面需要重新调整一下
- 这里的遍历子树轮廓时,没有使用线索树,而是采用了时间复杂度高的方法,这点会在下篇论文中优化
Improving Walker’s algorithm to run in linear time
上篇论文中的算法渲染出的图形已经打到目标了,但是算法的时间复杂度并不是最优的, 这篇论文会在几个地方优化,最终实现线性的时间复杂度
Traversing the coutours
遍历子树轮廓时可以使用 Tidier drawings of trees
Finding the ancestors
Counting the smaller subtrees
要计算同一父节点下两个子节点之间需要移动的树的数量,可以在遍历时记住每个节点在父节点 children 中的 index, 计算时,用右侧节点的 index 减去 左侧节点的 index 即可
Shifting the smaller subtrees
const moveSubTree = (leftNode, rightNode, shift) => {
// 先是用 index(num) 计算出 subtrees,即需要移动的子树的数量;
const subtrees = rightNode.num - leftNode.num
rightNode.change -= shift / subtrees
rightNode.shift += shift
// 最右侧节点的 prelim 需要增加 shift,即是将最右侧节点向右移动 shift
rightNode.prelim += shift
// 最右侧节点的 mod 需要增加 shift,即是将最右侧节点的子树向右移动 shift
rightNode.mod += shift
leftNode.change += shift / subtrees
在所有孩子节点都移动完毕后,再统一利用节点的 shift 和 change 值,修改节点的 prelim 和 mod 值:
const executeShifts = (node) => {
let shift = 0
let change = 0
const { children = [] } = node
for (let i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const child = children[i]
child.prelim += shift
child.mod += shift
change += child.change
shift += child.shift + change
因为在 moveSubTree
中 rightNode
的 prelim 和 mod 都增加了 shift,所以也不会影响后续节点的 leftSibling 节点位置
下面是 executeShifts
node | a | b | c | d | e | f |
node.shift | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
node.change | 1/3 + 1/5 | 0 | 0 | -1/3 | 0 | -1/5 |
prelim diff | 0 | 1/5 + 1/3 | 2/5 + 2/3 | 3/5 | 4/5 | 0 |
mod diff | 0 | 1/5 + 1/3 | 2/5 + 2/3 | 3/5 | 4/5 | 0 |
shift | 0 | 0 | 1/5+1/3 | 2/5+2/3 | 3/5 | 4/5 |
change | 0 | -1/5-1/3 | -1/5-1/3 | -1/5-1/3 | -1/5 | -1/5 |
可以看出各个节点的 prelim 和 mod 都正确地修改了。rightNode
的 prelim 和 mod 在 moveSubTree
import { maryRoot, maryLevel } from './root' import { renderMaryTree } from './utils' const NODE_WIDTH = 1 const NODE_HEIGHT = 1 const LEVEL_SEPARATION = 1 const SIBLING_SEPARATION = 1 const getLeftmost = (node) => node.children?.[0] ?? node.thread const getRightmost = (node) => node.children?.[node.children.length - 1] ?? node.thread const getPreviousSibling = (node) => node.previousSibling const getAncestor = (leftTreeRightmost, node, defaultAncestor) => node.parent === leftTreeRightmost.ancestor?.parent ? leftTreeRightmost.ancestor : defaultAncestor const moveSubTree = (ancestor, node, shift) => { const subtrees = node.num - ancestor.num node.change -= shift / subtrees node.shift += shift node.prelim += shift node.mod += shift ancestor.change += shift / subtrees } const apportion = (node, defaultAncestor) => { const sibling = getPreviousSibling(node) if (sibling) { let rightTreeLeftmost = node let rightTreeRightmost = node let leftTreeRightmost = sibling let parentFirstChildLeftmost = node.parent?.children[0] let rightTreeLeftmostModSum = rightTreeLeftmost.mod let rightTreeRightmostModSum = rightTreeRightmost.mod let leftTreeRightmostModSum = leftTreeRightmost.mod let parentFirstChildLeftmostModSum = parentFirstChildLeftmost.mod let nextRightmost = getRightmost(leftTreeRightmost) let nextLeftmost = getLeftmost(rightTreeLeftmost) while (nextRightmost && nextLeftmost) { leftTreeRightmost = nextRightmost rightTreeLeftmost = nextLeftmost parentFirstChildLeftmost = getLeftmost(parentFirstChildLeftmost) rightTreeRightmost = getRightmost(rightTreeRightmost) rightTreeRightmost.ancestor = node const shift = leftTreeRightmost.prelim + leftTreeRightmostModSum - (rightTreeLeftmost.prelim + rightTreeLeftmostModSum) + SIBLING_SEPARATION + NODE_WIDTH if (shift > 0) { moveSubTree( getAncestor(leftTreeRightmost, node, defaultAncestor), node, shift ) rightTreeLeftmostModSum += shift rightTreeRightmostModSum += shift } rightTreeLeftmostModSum += rightTreeLeftmost.mod rightTreeRightmostModSum += rightTreeRightmost.mod parentFirstChildLeftmostModSum += parentFirstChildLeftmost.mod leftTreeRightmostModSum += leftTreeRightmost.mod nextRightmost = getRightmost(leftTreeRightmost) nextLeftmost = getLeftmost(rightTreeLeftmost) } if (nextRightmost && !getRightmost(rightTreeRightmost)) { rightTreeRightmost.thread = nextRightmost rightTreeRightmost.mod += leftTreeRightmostModSum - rightTreeRightmostModSum } if (nextLeftmost && !getLeftmost(parentFirstChildLeftmost)) { parentFirstChildLeftmost.thread = nextLeftmost parentFirstChildLeftmost.mod += rightTreeLeftmostModSum - parentFirstChildLeftmostModSum defaultAncestor = node } } return defaultAncestor } const executeShifts = (node) => { let shift = 0 let change = 0 const { children = [] } = node for (let i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const child = children[i] child.prelim += shift child.mod += shift change += child.change shift += child.shift + change } } const firstWalk = (node) => { const { children = [], previousSibling } = node node.prelim = 0 node.mod = 0 node.change = 0 node.shift = 0 if (children.length > 0) { let defaultAncestor = children[0] children.forEach((child, index) => { child.num = index child.parent = node if (index > 0) { child.previousSibling = children[index - 1] } firstWalk(child) defaultAncestor = apportion(child, defaultAncestor) }) executeShifts(node) const leftmost = children[0] const rightmost = children[children.length - 1] const midpoint = (leftmost.prelim + rightmost.prelim) / 2 if (previousSibling) { node.prelim = previousSibling.prelim + SIBLING_SEPARATION + NODE_WIDTH node.mod = node.prelim - midpoint } else { node.prelim = midpoint } } else { if (previousSibling) { node.prelim = previousSibling.prelim + SIBLING_SEPARATION + NODE_WIDTH } } } const secondWalk = (node, mod, level) => { node.x = node.prelim + mod node.y = level * (LEVEL_SEPARATION + NODE_HEIGHT) node.children?.forEach((child) => secondWalk(child, mod + node.mod, level + 1) ) } const layout = (root) => { firstWalk(root) secondWalk(root, 0, 0) return root } const laidoutRoot = layout(maryRoot, maryLevel) export default function App() { return renderMaryTree(laidoutRoot) }
参考文献 & 资料
- Bloesch A. Aesthetic layout of generalized trees[J]. Software: Practice and Experience, 1993, 23(8): 817-827.
- Wetherell C, Shannon A. Tidy drawings of trees[J]. IEEE Transactions on software Engineering, 1979 (5): 514-520.
- Reingold E M, Tilford J S. Tidier drawings of trees[J]. IEEE Transactions on software Engineering, 1981 (2): 223-228.
- Walker J Q. A node‐positioning algorithm for general trees[J]. Software: Practice and Experience, 1990, 20(7): 685-705.
- Buchheim C, Jünger M, Leipert S. Improving Walker’s algorithm to run in linear time[C]//Graph Drawing: 10th International Symposium, GD 2002 Irvine, CA, USA, August 26–28, 2002 Revised Papers 10. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002: 344-353.
- https://rachel53461.wordpress.com/2014/04/20/algorithm-for-drawing-trees/
- https://github.com/prefuse/Prefuse
- https://github.com/cvzi/py_treedraw